NCDOT “Billions Short” For Future Projects After Refigured Costs

A state audit and reworked cost estimates revealed that NCDOT was planning projects that were billions of dollars more than it could afford. Consequently, current and future projects are expected to either be put on hold or stop altogether. Though it is normal for cost estimates and projects to be reevaluated periodically, this instance is…

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NCDOT Still At Risk of Overspending Despite Higher Funds

The NC Department of Transportation is not out of the woods just yet in its ongoing financial crisis. After a recent state audit of NCDOT, its findings showed that despite the DOT’s skyrocketing financial status since 2020, the department is still expected to exceed its budget. Furthermore, the audit determined that if there are no…

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Senate Approves $1.2T Infrastructure Bill: What It Means For North Carolina Roadways, Bridges, and More

The Senate approved a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan on August 10th, 2021, with a rare coalition of Democrats and Republicans joining in overcoming skeptics and delivering a cornerstone of President Joe Biden’s agenda. The 69-30 tally provides momentum for this first phase of Biden’s “Build Back Better” priorities, now headed to the House. A…

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NC House Of Representatives Approves HB 271 To Limit Eminent Domain And Strengthen Property Owner Protections

State and local governments around the country have a long history of exploiting their power to help well-connected industrialists and real estate developers at the expense of the general public.  On Tuesday, March 23rd, House Bill 271 was approved by the House Committee on Judiciary 1. It would allow North Carolinians to vote on whether…

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Archeologists Discover 10,000 Year-Old Artifacts While Clearing Land for I-540 Project

Before the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) began clearing land for the final portion of the Triangle Expressway, its archeology unit searched for campsites used by North Carolina’s earliest settlers. Anytime NCDOT proposes a large construction project, federal law requires documenting of historic or prehistoric sites in the construction corridor. As a result of…

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closed road sign

The Current Status of NCDOT’s Financial Situation

The N.C. Department of Transportation’s (NCDOT) recent financial troubles could follow the department for years to come. The department managed to slowly build up its reserves as 2020 progressed. However, its current monetary problems will likely have a lasting impact on projects’ funding in the future. The NCDOT Financial Hole Will Take Over A Decade…

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NCDOT Planning Ranch Road Extension To Begin in 2022

The North Carolina Department of Transportation says a significant road project could better accommodate traffic to a busy highway in fast-growing Clayton. NCDOT proposes to extend Ranch Road to U.S. Route 70 Business and N.C. Highway 42. The proposal also includes realigning Little Creek Church and Ranch roads’ intersection to make Ranch Road the main…

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NCDOT Plans to Upgrade US 70 from Havelock Bypass to East of Thurman Road

Planning and development are now underway to upgrade US 70 to interstate standards from Havelock Bypass to East of Thurman Road in Craven County. This project is part of a massive statewide initiative to upgrade US 70 from Raleigh to Morehead City, NC. ​​ This project is intended to help improve regional mobility and military…

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Poole Road Widening Project: What Residents Should Know

The purpose of the Poole Road Widening Project is to improve Poole Road from Maybrook Drive to Barwell Road and will include widening the roadway to a four-lane complete street with a median, sidewalks, and bicycle facilities. The project is part of the larger Complete 540 project and is currently in the right of way…

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Hampstead Bypass, R-3300 Delayed Yet Again

The North Carolina Board of Transportation voted unanimously on October 8th, 2020, to delay work on the long-awaited bypass and other projects throughout the state. As reported in a previous blog post, the NCDOT had postponed projects in hopes of balancing its funds, following a decline in revenue that was impacted by a reduction in travel…

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