
Local Asheboro Economy to Get a Bypass

Not everyone is excited about the new Asheboro Bypass and Zoo Connector roadways. Why? Take a look at this Letter to the Editor published in the 3/17/2016 issue of the Asheboro Courier Tribune, endorsed by nearly two dozen local residents, called “Our Local Economy Will Be Getting the Bypass, Too.”

Unbeknownst to most, the entire route of the new bypass and connector will be “Control of Access.” That means the total length will be prohibited from having driveways, residential or commercial entrances and exits, or any other means of commercial development. Translation – no one will be able to have a business that directly ties into any of the new roadways.

This highlights the frequent disconnect between NC DOT officials and local governments and chamber groups. It seems as if the DOT has one set of priorities, and local businesses have a completely different set. There is no simple answer, but as land condemnation lawyers we urge DOT officials to better communicate with local communities and citizens so that they have input into the process. We also urge that the DOT consider the economic impacts of roadways, and how the roadways’ designs might balance both travel and local economic needs.

To read the full letter:

For more information about the Asheboro Bypass and Zoo Connector and how it might affect property owners: