
NCDOT Announces Furloughs For All Employees

The NC Department of Transportation has announced the furloughing of all NCDOT employees across the state.  This action is in response to the $300 million revenue loss that the DOT has experienced largely as a result of reduced highway fuel taxes.  In an email sent to all employees, DOT Secretary Eric Boyette announced that the move would start effective immediately.  Phase 1 of the furloughs began on May 1, and requires executive leadership to reduce work schedules by 30 hours before June 26.  Phase 2 begins May 23, and affects senior leadership, with 25 hour reductions.  Lastly, Phase 3, applies to all other employees and requires a reduction of 20 hours before June 26. 

THE NC DOT has suspended projects across the state as it continues to navigate through this financial crisis.